Do you know what is the TRUE Remy hair?

Remy hair means the hair root is hair root, hair end is hair end, the hair is cut from one donor directly, the hair root and end are not upside down, not chaotic, it is the best raw hair materials to make hair weft and wigs, the true Remy hair is elastic and healthy.

How to distinguish the true Remy hair? The method is that the hair is with natural color and not dyed, the hair root color is dark, the tail is slightly dull yellow, or has a split. Even after dyeing the hair is still more elastic.

Personal opinion:
Remy hair with scales, and scales are basically in the same direction. There are two types of Remy hair, braided Remy hair and machine-Remy hair (also called inverted roots Remy hair).

Braided Remy hair generally refers to the hair cut from one donor, the hair root and end is not upside down, the hair tail slightly yellow.

Machine Remy hair is the use of inverted root machine hair follicles with one end and the other part of the split, make sure the scales with the same direction.

Of course, they have difference too. The braided Remy hair from the same place has a harder texture than machine Remy hair, and machine remy hair is naturally metabolically or externally shed hair, so braided remy hair can last longer time than machine remy hair in using.

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